
Welcome to "Our Life"

Monday, March 21, 2011

Don't we get bored?

It has only been a couple of days since I took out my first full day tour as a Guide and I got a call to do another (shorter)tour tomorrow. Cool
I have spent the last two days servicing our snowmachines, filling out Coast Guard paper work, doing chores and uh, oh, ah, I think that's it.

It has been very busy around here and we are starting to prepare for another period of Isolation. We have to get ready for the river "Breakup". It could take anywhere from 7 days from the time the river gets un-safe to travel up to 4 weeks. It all depends on God and Mother Nature. Once the river Breaks up and the Ice flows out, it is only a matter of days and we can put our boat in the water. We have to have gas and groceries and various supplies for the No Travel period.

Also, I am taking the coast guard class and test, have to go in Monday for a physical, take a drug test, get a federal "TWIC" card which certifies I am not a terrorist. Besides that I am going to fly to Ohio for company License business and then there is the daily chores.

Someone ask me "What we do for entertainment out here, don't we get bored?" I thought for a second and laughed out loud, I have not had time to think about being bored.
What a way to live. There is no living for the weekend, think about this, the wood cutting deal for Joe and Norma was on a Friday. Did ya see the picture of all the people there? There is always something to do and if we don't get off our butt(s) and do it, nobody else is going to do it for us (we are still too young).
Get Bored,,, Nope! Get water, Get Gas, Get wood, Dump waste water buckets, make most food from scratch, service vehicles, home improvement, pump fuel, generators, snow/yard maintenance, make a little money, go get mail, help others, go to the store for supplies, and on and on and on. Nope, we don't get bored!

Just felt like typing tonight, Thanks for being here!
God Bless you all,

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